C2C Yarn Calculator
This calculator was designed to help you calculate how much yarn you need for a C2C or miniC2C project.
To use this calculator, the first thing you need to do is do a sample of one C2C or mini C2C block (depending on which stitch you are using). You only need to do one "square" or c2c block. Make this square and then unpull it and measure how long it is in inches. (Don't count tails.)
Put this length in the first question marked 1.
On your graph, count how many blocks of the colour there are. Put this number in the second question marked 2.
On the brand and type of yarn you wish to use, check the label and see how many yards of yarn there are in one skein or ball. Put this number in the third question, marked 3.
Once these three numbers are in, you can find out how many yards of the colour you will need, and so how many skeins or balls of yarn you will need.